Health Benefits Of Drinking Bourbon You Must Know

Bourbon is a whiskey made from corn, and it's one of the best-selling spirits across the world. Bourbon gets its name from a county in Kentucky, where distillers first began making it in the late 1700s; today, you can find it all over the world. It's typically aged in charred oak barrels for at least two years before being bottled, which gives it a sweet flavour and smooth finish (unlike Scotch whisky). Its easily available at all Best Liquor Store St Kilda East . Here are four reasons why drinking bourbon regularly might just save your life: Bourbon Might Prevent Cancer A study conducted examined the polyphenol content of various types of alcohol and found that bourbon has a very high concentration. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that can help fight cancer. In fact, polyphenols have been linked to a lower risk of cancer, especially breast and colorectal cancers. So if you're looking for an excuse to enjoy your favourite bourbon cocktail, consider checking ...